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Friday, April 4, 2014

Gold Cheek

Origin: Gold Cheek is the twelfth established mutation. The Gold Cheek mutation first appeared in aviary of Barbara Greene of Virginia in the early 1990’s.

Visually this mutation looks similar to the SLYC and DYC mutations, with the exception that the yellow cheek patch is more of a deeper orange gold color. Any of the normal mutations can visually display the gold colored cheek patch. This mutation should be paired with Whiteface for the best results in obtaining the rich gold cheek patch. The mode of inheritance when breeding is very similar to Pastelface. 

Note:  There are very few breeders working with this mutation.  

When in doubt of the mutation always test breed the bird. I have noticed that a DYC split to whiteface can look very similar to the Gold Cheek.

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